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Ubuntu 8.10 – Remix launchers

General, linux, Product Info, Technical, Ubuntu | 0 comments

Need a cool PDA/Notebook look for your Ubuntu installation? Then try this Notebook launcher package. It fills in on top of your existing Ubuntu installlation and gives a cool look for the UI.

In a terminal type:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

This will bring up your source list. then add these two lines to the end of your source list:

deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main

In a terminal type:

sudo apt-get update

To update your source lists.

Then Install the Netbook Remix packages

In a terminal type:

sudo apt-get install go-home-applet human-netbook-theme maximus netbook-launcher window-picker-applet

Now you need to restart the Gnome display manager.
In a terminal type:

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

After the reset you will see the UME-Launcher running.

To maximize your workspace area, you might want to remove the bottom pane, by right clicking the bottom panel and selecting the “Delete this Panel” option.

To get the most from your top panel you will want to add functions to your top panel. Right click the top panel and select the “Add to the Panel” option. Some suggestions include: GoHomeApplet, WindowPickerApplet, NotificationArea, and VolumeControl.

You also need to set netbook-launcher to your startup programs. Go to System>Preferences>Sessions and add enteries for both of these commands.


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