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Arivina Alegalu – 2012 – You too can write

Books, Events, Festival, Free Software, Gnu/Linux, Technical, technology | 0 comments

 An e-book on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that makes technology accessible to even those who are confirmed e-illiterate.

Arivina Alegalu (which literally means “Waves of Knowledge”) is conceived as a project that will kick off a series of materials written in Kannada not only about FOSS but also on various other aspects of technology and science. “All these materials will be written, edited, reviewed by people working or researching on the respective areas and released under Creative Commons.

Project was initiated in year 2011 to celebrate Indian Independence day in a unique way.  This e-book is a collection of 14 essays by young software professionals to educate laymen on all things FOSS.

The participants write their experience about science & technology , FOSS etc in Kannada. Selected articles will be posted on from 1st August to 14th August. Finally on 15th August, all the articles will be released as an eBook under Creative Commons license to reach out to people who love learning and making use of technology.

Its again a time to revisit this project this year and the Team Sanchaya invites articles for 2012 issue.

Last date for writing an article for being part of this project is 28th July 2012. 

Send your entries to : [email protected]

Press release – Arivina Alegalu 2012

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