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Error: Couldn’t load XPCOM Zimbra Desktop

Free Software, Gnu/Linux, OpenSource, QuickFix, zimbra | 5 comments

Zimbra desktop installation on a brand new installation of Ubuntu/Linux mint 64 bit release always fails (Tried on Ubuntu 14.04/14.10/Linux Mint 17 etc) due to the lack of 32 bit architecture support.

I confirmed it by running Zimbra desktop with ia32-libs added to the distribution and manually running zdclient as follows:

$ /opt/zimbra/zdesktop/linux/prism/zdclient -webapp “/home/techfiz/zdesktop/zdesktop.webapp” -override “/home/techfiz/zdesktop/zdesktop.webapp/override.ini” -profile “/home/techfiz/zdesktop/profile”
Couldn’t load XPCOM.

This is mainly because the way 32 architecture support used to be enabled on the distro’s. Earlier installing ia32-libs package was quire easier via apt-get. Now the best way to install 32 bit architecture support is as follows:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Now try opening Zimbra desktop, it works like a charm.

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