I happened to spend this morning working on this art work with my 4 year old daughter.
She did the background as she always likes to pour the colors on canvas and see that it has shades. She enjoys watching them and see that that itself blends into an abstract.
Our friend Tejas jain surprises with the following response to the above work as folows:
He says “So, the astronaut has landed on moon of Jupiter, Europa”
Here is his explanation.
he further shares the following samples to say why he says above is correct 🙂 “These are accurate”
The discussion goes on to say
View of Saturn from Europa is good too….. just about Orion as it is!
But Mars is better to be Ganymede
Astronaut is illuminated from flat angle, suggesting artificial illumination; a base camp.
A rover is following as pet, an AI companion.
His body language suggest he has spent lot of time alone, may be the first to land for base camp setup.
So, is the title of this painting should be First European 😆
I was like “Oh my you just finished writing a controversial piece of a future mission!”