Reaching out to others! Free & Open Source Software, Kannada, L10n, L18n Data Science, Cloud Computing & more…

Fix: expr: syntax error while running rkhunter

If you’re trying to run rkhunter check on your server and finding expr: syntax error for all binaries, it might be due to outdated file properties database. Run the following command to fix it: rkhunter –propupd –update After updating the file...

Zimbra Desktop 7.2.7 not loading on Ubuntu 15.04

Zimbra desktop installation on my system was prompting me to upgrade the installation to the latest 7.2.7 version. I downloaded the installer (zdesktop_7_2_7_ga_b12059_20150629062326_linux_i686.tgz) from Zimbra and found that it was not working. For couple of weeks...

Android Fix: Adb finds device but not fastboot

I was trying to flash my nexus 7 (2012) with Android L but failed to do so as fastboot couldn’t find my devices. I thought it was Multirom etc which I had on my device causing problem. It turned out that my ubuntu was unable to identify the device specifically...