Jun 21, 2012 | Cloud Computing, Gnu/Linux, Technical, Webhosting
When you have a varnish server infront of your Apache server, you will be reverse proxying the requests. This will mark your varnish’s servers ip as the client in apache logs. To let apache know the real client’s ip we can user mod_rpaf module needs to be...
Nov 3, 2010 | Gnu/Linux, linux, Product Info, Technical, technology, Ubuntu
“Beginning November 1, new AWS customers will be able to run a free Amazon EC2 Micro Instance for a year, while also leveraging a new free usage tier for Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, and AWS data transfer. AWS’s...
Aug 19, 2010 | General, Infrastructure Management, Product Info, Technical
Instacarma, launches cloud solutions to hosting industry. The new set of products and services were launched during the HostingCon 2010 at Austin, Texas. Instacarma has been expanding its reach from last 8 years in the industry and caters to business needs of hosting...
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