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First look at Fedora11 Release

First look at Fedora11 Release

Fedora 11 is out with lot of new updates. Here is a first glance at things that I liked. Fedora Complete Feature list is available here: Cool Image isn’t it? Here I’m inside LiveCD session Firefox...
Fedora/Linux Security Guide

Fedora/Linux Security Guide

Scott Radvan, Content Author, Red Hat APAC sent an email updating Fedora Linux fans about the availability of very-nearly-finished Security Guide. It has its focus on Fedora and it will be available in the upcoming Fedora 11 release. He also invites reviews/comments...

Troubleshooting RPM issues

While working on Redhat based operating systems, its common to face few issues related to RPM. Rpm database gets corrupted. It might segfault, it might cause lots of issues while installing or updating packages. First step to resolve RPM related issues is to rebuild...

Adding cdrom to yum as repo

If you want to be able to install the packages from DVD or CDROM available with you try the following instructions. First take the backup of /etc/yum.repos.d, remove those old repo files and add a new file called local.repo with the following lines: [local] name=Local...

NIS Authentication issue on Fedora 10

I tried adding an NIS client installed with Fedora 10 today and found that it was not able to authenticate the users via NIS. I found some hints on this link before I solved the problem. The issue as caused due to NetworkManager entires added into...

Setting GRUB password

If you don’t want any one to access your system without permission, you should confirm that you don’t have recovery mode enabled in GRUB boot loader or it must be password protected. Otherwise any one can get into root console as and change the password to...
Recovering data from LVM Hard disks

Recovering data from LVM Hard disks

While working with default partitioning plan ie. Guided partitioning, we might end up facing lots of issues. It creates / partition under LVM volume which makes it hard to recover the Operating system and other data stored in it as we couldn’t get into rescue...