Jul 11, 2009 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Technical
Unable to login to hypervm for some reason? Forgot password link now working? Try this. #cd /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs #lphp.exe ../bin/common/resetpassword.php master #/etc/init.d/hypervm restart Now you will be able to login to hypervm with the new password....
Jun 9, 2009 | Events, Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Virtualization, Webhosting, XEN
A brilliant software engineer, Founder of LxLabs.com, creator of HyperVM – optimized virtualization technology which runs on both Xen and OpenVZ, “Host In a Box” solution LxAdmin/Kloxo for Web hosting companies, server owners, resellers – K.T...
Jun 7, 2009 | General, Gnu/Linux, linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Virtualization, Webhosting
HyperVM/Kloxo users are here by alerted to patch their installations by running the update script by LxLabs team. Multiple security vulnerabilities were discovered in hyperVM and Lxadmin/Kloxo. It is recommended that you update your hyperVM/Kloxo systems to the latest...
Mar 4, 2009 | linux, QuickFix, Technical
Editing /etc/php.ini, or enabling few options via LxAdmin might not get work in LxAdmin servers. I faced this problem while trying to enable error logging. Whlie I was digging for the reasons, I found that each domain is provided with a separate php.ini under...
Dec 14, 2008 | linux, QuickFix, Technical
If you find that the /etc/hosts file getting over written (I have found this happening in Virtuzzo and HyperVM servers already) ensure that you add the additional entries above the following comment line which you see in /etc/hosts file. # Auto-generated hostname....
Aug 18, 2008 | Events, General, linux, QuickFix, Security, Technical
I thought I will have a great Sunday and sleep for long hours. I was stuck with a networking issue on one of the HyperVM Server. Ips of VE’s were not pinging from outside world. All due to misconfiguration of SonicWall firewall and also the weird CentOS 5.2...
Aug 5, 2008 | General, linux, QuickFix, Technical
If you’re unable to login to horde on a lxadmin box, check the mail logs at /var/log/lxadmin/maillog I found the following in logs : Aug 5 06:43:27 www imapd: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[::ffff:] Aug 5 06:43:27 www imapd: LOGOUT,...
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