Aug 10, 2016 | Kannada, Localization, Technical
I’m unable to read Kannada books on Kindle. In Kindle Android app, I see the index rendering properly in Kannada but the actual content looks broken. (see the image). This is not something big for a multinational such as Amazon to fix. Urge them to fix these for...
Dec 18, 2015 | Kannada, Localization, Technical, technology
I will keep this post updated with all info needed to participate in l10n team activities for WordPress in Kannada. View >l10n for WordPress (kn) on Hackpad.
Dec 6, 2015 | Kannada, Localization, Platonic, Sanchaya, Wikipedia
About an year ago, we found that it is almost becoming difficult/worse to search the Kannada books on DLI (Digital Library Of India) and OUDL (Osmania University Digital Library). Reasons: Index found in these digital libraries used latin letters for book names i.e....
Dec 26, 2014 | Free Software, Kannada, Sanchaya, Technical, technology
Presentation on to digitize and build linguistic research tool for Kannada. Presented at Swatantra 2014 – Fifth International Free Software Conference, Kerala on 19th December 2014. Event Page:...
Aug 17, 2012 | Android, Books, Events, Festival, Free Software, Gnu/Linux, OpenSource, Product Info, Society, technology
Arivina Alegalu sees its second release on August 15th as expected. You can now download the book from project page ( 10 articles from enthusiasts have participated in our program to spread the waves of Knowledge for Common Man....
Jul 16, 2012 | Books, Events, Festival, Free Software, Gnu/Linux, Technical, technology
An e-book on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that makes technology accessible to even those who are confirmed e-illiterate. Arivina Alegalu (which literally means “Waves of Knowledge”) is conceived as a project that will kick off a series of materials written in...
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