Dec 6, 2015 | Kannada, Localization, Platonic, Sanchaya, Wikipedia
About an year ago, we found that it is almost becoming difficult/worse to search the Kannada books on DLI (Digital Library Of India) and OUDL (Osmania University Digital Library). Reasons: Index found in these digital libraries used latin letters for book names i.e....
Nov 2, 2014 | Books, Kannada, Wikipedia
The Kannada Wikimedia community, in collaboration with CIS-A2K, is glad to share that almost all of the works by Niranjana will be re-licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 on the occasion of Kannada Rajyotsava. Niranjana (1924-1992) was the pseudonym of Kulkund Shivarao, a...
Jan 27, 2013 | Kannada, Technical, Wikipedia
ToolServer shows my wiki activity. It’s nice to see that I have done atleast an edit on Kannada wiki through out 2012. It has been very tempting to go and find stuff that is not available on Free Encyclopedia of my Language, and edit whatever I feel is...
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