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Unable to start IMAP/POP3 Server (Courier-IMAP) from Plesk Panel

General, Plesk | 0 comments

If you’re unable to restart IMAP/POP3 Server (Courier-IMAP), have a look at the logs at /var/log/messages :

Following errors were found while digging the logs

Jul 29 22:42:21 asap3d courier-imap:    Starting pop3 succeeded
Jul 29 22:42:21 asap3d pop3d-ssl.rc: bind: Address already in use
Jul 29 22:42:21 asap3d pop3d-ssl.rc: ll_daemon_start: Resource temporarily unavailable

Above error will pop in due to incorrect courier-pop3d configuration or courier-pop3d is enabled via xinetd on the server.

If you find courier-pop3d and courier-pop3ds configured via xinetd, do disable it by editing the files under /etc/xinetd.d. Once this is done, restart xinetd and then try restarting  IMAP/POP3 Server (Courier-IMAP) from Plesk Service Management. It should work fine.

In the following example, check line number 3 (disable = yes) which disables the service under xinetd.

service pop3
disable = yes
flags = NODELAY
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/bin/tcp-env
= -R -f /usr/lib/courier-imap/etc/

pop3d /usr/lib/courier-imap/sbin/pop3login /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/authlib/authpsa /usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/pop3d
log_type = FILE /var/log/pop3d.log
log_on_success = PID HOST EXIT DURATION
log_on_failure = HOST ATTEMPT

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