Oct 17, 2009 | Product Info, Technical
Yes, I have started using Google Wave…. Are you still wondering what it is? Check this video.. Hey, you need an invite.. I have few more left with myself. Ping me to get one Don’t forget to check these websites: https://googlewavedev.blogspot.com/...
Jun 25, 2009 | Gnu/Linux, linux, Product Info, Technical
Source: https://www.chromeexperiments.com/detail/gravity/ Check and try more Chrome experiments at : https://www.chromeexperiments.com I downloaded Chrome for Linux today and just trying out all possible things.. It still doesn’t support unicode properly. Thats...
May 12, 2009 | Events, Technical
PAKbugs attacked google morocco website pointing users to above page. Techcrunch post on this issue says that the hack might have happened through NIC.ma DNS server security hole. It took hours for google to point the users back to correct google.com page. Meanwhile...
Dec 11, 2008 | Blogs, Product Info, Technical
Now you can become a member of Platonic quickly via Google FriendConnect gadget added in right panel. There is more coming on Friends connect page. Watch out!
Sep 28, 2008 | Events, Future, General, Management
While reading new article posted on my favorite community site Sampada, this article introduced me to Google’s new project Project 10100. Project 10100 is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. Share your ideas...
Sep 2, 2008 | General, linux, Product Info, Technical
Google Chrome, its an open source browser. Find the google chrome comic book with lot more info on it. Author/Maintainer: Google Inc. Home Page: https://www.google.com/chrome Screen Shot:https://www.icewalkers.com/google_chrome.png License: OpenSource Version:...
Jul 30, 2008 | General, linux, Technical
I’m on gOS test drive to see if I can find an OS which does not require much customizations on my laptop. You will fall in love with gOS if you’re addicted to google applications. More updates in coming posts. PS: gOS is nowhere linked to Google Inc. and...
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