Oct 30, 2011 | Bug Fix, Firefox, General, QuickFix, Technical
If you find jinitator not working on your windows machine, I recommend you to follow this link by RAYMOND REID to get this sorted. Raymond recommends you to install the jiniator in windows compatibility mode as usual and then replace jvm.dll which reports error with...
Aug 1, 2009 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Technical
All you need to do is to get chrome browser started with –enable-plugins option There are few more options which you might want to tryout . –enable-greasemonkey –enable-user-scripts –enable-extensions PS: Chrome might crash with Flash as its...
Jul 31, 2009 | Gnu/Linux, linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
Yes, I downloaded the development release of google chrome on my Ubuntu box and found that it’s really rendering Kannada fine. But, there is one more thing which needs to be looked into. Numbers in Kannada are not rendering fine as of now. Any body wanna...
Sep 3, 2008 | Product Info
It was nice to look at clear and clear look of my favorite websites on Google Chrome. I did face few issues while testing this on my systems though. I couldn’t install flash plugin while I was on windows XP. I had to download flash plugin separately and then get...
Sep 3, 2008 | General, Product Info, Technical
Yes, Google chrome is now available for download. But sadly its available only for Windows and not for Mac OSX/Linux. This new browser is completely open source. Hopefully it Mac and Linux versions will be made available without much delay. Here you can read more...
Sep 2, 2008 | General, linux, Product Info, Technical
Google Chrome, its an open source browser. Find the google chrome comic book with lot more info on it. Author/Maintainer: Google Inc. Home Page: https://www.google.com/chrome Screen Shot:https://www.icewalkers.com/google_chrome.png License: OpenSource Version:...
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