Jul 8, 2011 | Events, Free Software, Gnu/Linux, linux, Technical, technology
Slides used for a technical session at Commits Media College, Bangalore on 6th July 2011 Additional Reference links:- A Day Without Media – https://bit.ly/qRDEaD 15 Terrific TED Talks for New Media Students – https://bit.ly/pbZ47n Nine top tips for Media...
Apr 21, 2011 | Product Info, QuickFix, Technical
Many seems to be still searching how to read Kannada on your Android phones. Lack of support for Indic language still troubles many of us who like to read and write in Indian languages. Here is a quick how-to for your reference. Search and Install Opera Mini on...
Aug 18, 2010 | Future, Product Info, Technical, technology
Reading Kananda magazine on firefox was made possible through a plugin earlier by Sunil Jayaprakash. He is out with an Apple iPhone application for the same. This application is now approved by Apple and has been made available at Apple App Store for free. Promotional...
Jul 29, 2010 | Gnu/Linux, linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
Okay, without discussing much of the technicalities behind this hack, I shall give you the steps to go ahead and get photon+ working on your machines. Step 1: Insert Photo+ onto your USB slot Step 2: Check for the product and vendor id using lsusb and keep a note #...
Dec 7, 2009 | Gnu/Linux, Product Info, Technical, technology
My new gadget HTC Tattoo powered by Android OS and HTC Sense technology. Costs around INR 17,000. Comes with all that I need to stay connected with all social media like flickr, picasa, facebook, twitter etc. GPS works well with Google Maps, trying to work with...
Aug 24, 2008 | linux, Product Info, Technical
While I’m egar to test “OpenMoko” on my MotoMing A1200, I emulate OpenMoko on my laptop to see how it really works while its on my phone. Here is the first screen of the emulator. You too can tryout this Automatic Emulation. Its quite...
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