From the day I bought my htc tatto, I’m living with real mobility. Life has become more sophisticated. Today I installed an application called wpToGo on my HTC Android phone and typing this blog post while waiting for my car to be serviced. Cool. I can just click on submit to post the article or even save it for the later stage ad draft.
I had never thought of a day such as this. I can work from anywhere and do anything on the net that you could think of.
Hmm ultimately this is an invasion on free time that we used to steal for ourselves in a routine day life. Though we get to think and do more and utilize time in a betterway….. blah blah blah.. hey wait…. I’m just thinking and typing what’s coming into my mind.. this is good… I did write something which came to my mind. I had not done this for a while now…. lol…
It’s time to post this now