Reaching out to others! Free & Open Source Software, Kannada, L10n, L18n Data Science, Cloud Computing & more…

Many of you have been working with tools, softwares & technology. Here is an yet another opportunity for you to share your experience with people here in Karnataka.   Friends in Karnataka are here to share your experience with the world in an innovative way. Please visit to read more.

We decided to celebrate Independence day in an unique way this time by requesting all FOSS enthusiasts to write about their experience in Kannada. Selected articles go live from August 1st to August 14th and on 15th we shall release an eBook of the collection while celebrating the FREEDOM. Yes, we are again celebrating technology and writing for Free and OpenSource Software.  If we get more and more articles, we promise to make them also available for others to read.

Special Notes:- Articles will be released under  License.

You can find more information about the idea behind this event etc on http:://

We request all of you to support this event by writing to us, participating in the event actively and also by spreading the word about this event to many others who never get to followup on Social Networking Buzz.

For those who like to “LIKE” we are on facebook – Do like this event and share the info with your friends.

Last date for submitting your articles is 22nd July 2011.

Mail us :- arivu AT sanchaya DOT net for more information.

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