Aug 25, 2018 | QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
Following is an error encountered on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS $ sudo apt-get update E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/http could not be found. This can be easily fixed by installing apt-transport-https as follows. sudo apt-get install...
Aug 10, 2016 | Kannada, Localization, Technical
I’m unable to read Kannada books on Kindle. In Kindle Android app, I see the index rendering properly in Kannada but the actual content looks broken. (see the image). This is not something big for a multinational such as Amazon to fix. Urge them to fix these for...
Apr 23, 2016 | Kannada, OpenSource, Platonic, Sanchaya, Technical, Wikipedia
View Kannada Wikisource & Pustaka Sanchaya Activities – Walk through on Hackpad.
Dec 18, 2015 | Kannada, Localization, Technical, technology
I will keep this post updated with all info needed to participate in l10n team activities for WordPress in Kannada. View >l10n for WordPress (kn) on Hackpad.
Aug 4, 2015 | QuickFix, Technical
Zimbra desktop installation on my system was prompting me to upgrade the installation to the latest 7.2.7 version. I downloaded the installer (zdesktop_7_2_7_ga_b12059_20150629062326_linux_i686.tgz) from Zimbra and found that it was not working. For couple of weeks...
Aug 1, 2015 | Gnu/Linux, QuickFix, Technical
Having trouble getting eclipse loaded on your linux machines? Try the following troubleshooting methods to get that sorted. First to understand the complete issue, run the eclipse command on your terminal as follows: $ eclipse Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:...
Mar 12, 2015 | QuickFix, Technical, technology
Problem statement 1: “Lua error in Module:TimeAgo at line 60: attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value” The above error was prominent across many Infobox templates used on Kannada wikipedia where the different of date of birth and the current date...
Feb 10, 2015 | Bug Fix, Gnu/Linux, OpenSource, QuickFix, Technical
I use my own instance of DataWrapper (An open source data visualization platform helping everyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes. to quickly build some data visualizations. For some strange reason, my login’s...
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