Reaching out to others! Free & Open Source Software, Kannada, L10n, L18n Data Science, Cloud Computing & more…

Read Arivina Alegalu on Android

Android, Books, Gnu/Linux, OpenSource, Product Info, Technical, technology | 0 comments

 Arivina Alegalu ( – Project to spread knowledge to common man in Kannada started in 2011 had released its first e-Book last year on  15th August. Thousands of people read through articles on our website and also downloaded PDF to share among friends.

Spreading the real meaning of freedom of knowledge sharing, free content was released through this initiative by our team at

Many people had requested for ebook in various version including mobile solutions. It took us a while to realize that we could do it and here is an app on Android!

Go ahead, download and start reading Arivina Alegalu on your android phone. Yes, read this Kannada Ebook on your android mobile or tablet.

The project has come back to life again this year and expecting its second ebook release in few hours to come. Until then, start getting used to android app with 2011 eBook contents. Share it with your friends and We encourage Free and Open Source activities around Kannada. Get in touch with us to explore more opportunities to get involved in community activities.


We thank all writers for their contribution for this project!


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