If you’re trying to work on Zimbra migration etc, you might require to know the Zimbra LDAP master URL. Generally it should work as ldap:domainname:389, if it doesn’t then use the following command as zimbra to get the right ldap master url.
#su – zimbra
$zmlocalconfig -s zimbra_ldap_password ldap_master_url
The same command might reveal the admin password too.
You can also use the following commands to retrieve the ldap admin password:
#su zimbra
$zmlocalconfig -s | grep ldap_amavis_password
$zmlocalconfig -s | grep ldap_nginx_password
$zmlocalconfig -s | grep ldap_postfix_password
$zmlocalconfig -s | grep ldap_replication_password
$zmlocalconfig -s | grep ldap_root_password
$zmlocalconfig -s | grep zimbra_ldap_password
Reference: Set the password in the LDAP database