If your zimbra scheduled tasks are not running or if you don’t see your stats graphs on admin panel, the first thing that you should check if zimbra’s cronjobs. When you reinstall/move your zimbra installation we normally tend to miss cron job setups required for zimbra.
To fix this, find the Zimbra crontabs directory at /opt/zimbra/zimbramon/crontabs
Now, lets put alwal the cronjob’s to a single file (just to make your job easier) as follows:
[root@zimbra crontabs]# cat crontab >> crontab.zimbra
[root@zimbra crontabs]# cat crontab.ldap >> crontab.zimbra
[root@zimbra crontabs]# cat crontab.logger >> crontab.zimbra
[root@zimbra crontabs]# cat crontab.mta >> crontab.zimbra
[root@zimbra crontabs]# cat crontab.store >> crontab.zimbra
Finally,Load the crontab.zimbra file to crontab as follows:
[root@zimbra crontabs]# crontab crontab.zimbra
Voila, that’s it. Wait for few minutes to start seeings the graphs. You can also verify the cornjobs by using ‘crontab -l’.