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Gnu/Linux Habba Mysore count down starts

Events, Festival, linux, Technical | 0 comments

All the we have got is two more days and most of our preparations are at the end stage. Burning media, taking care of the printing work, working on technical deliverables and lot more. It has been quite a bit of work and things are going smooth so far. Looking forward to catch many new faces who will be tasting Gnu/Linux for the first time.

Between, Hindu covers the story about Habba as follows:


“A group of volunteers from Sampada, who are actively propagating the use of “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), are organizing an event on September 21 to educate and create awareness among the people about the free software alternatives available for computer users at the Physics Department Auditorium, University of Mysore.”

Read the complete article here.

There are few more tasks on which updates needs to be sent across. Registrations have started pouring in already. I was talking to hpn and mayakar about “Bulk Registrations” which are happening this time. I mean many are brining infriends along with them after registering at habba portal.

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