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Errors while logging into Plesk panel

Plesk, QuickFix, Technical, Windows | 0 comments

When attempting to log into Plesk Control Panel the following error is displayed:

Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect. 0: C:\\Program Files\\SWsoft\\Plesk\\admin\\auto_prepend\\auth.php3:56 psaerror(string “Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect.”)

Such problem occurs when password of admin in Plesk does not match the one set in Plesk database in MySQL.Please find all the steps below:Retrieve the current password using the command as below:

%plesk_bin%\plesksrvclient.exe -get

1. Then it needs to be configured within Plesk MySQL, following the steps below:

-  Edit MySQL configuration file my.ini located in %plesk_dir%\mysql\data\.
-  Add the skip_grant_tables=1 parameter into the [PleskSQLServer] section.
-  Restart the Plesk SQL Server service.

2. Log into Plesk MySQL.
%plesk_dir%\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -P8306 mysql
Execute the following query:
update mysql.user set password=password('current_password') where user='admin';
3. Remove skip_grant_tables=1 from within the [PleskSQLServer] section within %plesk_dir%\mysql\data\my.ini

4. Restart service Plesk SQL Server.

The password should have been assigned.

Note: For the latest Plesk versions in case of MSSQL using as db provider, please use the following KB to change passwod for user admin (replace sa with admin in mssql query).

Source: Parallels KB

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