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enabling log_error in LxAdmin

linux, QuickFix, Technical | 0 comments

Editing /etc/php.ini, or enabling few options via LxAdmin might not get work in LxAdmin servers. I faced this problem while trying to enable error logging. Whlie I was digging for the reasons, I found that each domain is provided with a separate php.ini under /home/httpd/ folder (replace with domain’s name). php.ini found under this file needs to be edited in order to make the changes required for error logging etc.

If you use phpinfo() in a test php file, you can see that /home/user/__processed_stats/ file is quoted as the php error_log file. If you;re using suphp, ensure that this file is owned by the account user. If you use mod_php you might have to change this to apache.apache or permissions should be given for others to write into this file.

I wanted to change the log_error value for all accounts on the server. I accomplished the task by writing the following one liner.

for i in `find /home/httpd -name php.ini`; do replace “log_errors = off” “log_errors = on” — $i; done


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