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SugarCRM Fix:Troubleshooting blank pages

linux, QuickFix, Technical | 0 comments

Blank pages typically indicate a PHP error has occurred. If the error occurs at the login or home pages, it can disable the system entirely.

When encountering a blank page please try the following:

  1. For an onsite (self-hosted) instance, edit the PHP configuration file (php.ini) and set the following options:
    display_errors = On;
    error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
    After saving these changes the web service (Apache or IIS) will need to be restarted. After the restart, recreate the issue and have the server administrator look at any onscreen errors. The issue could be as simple as missing or unreadable files, but any onscreen error will be essential to resolving the issue.
  2. Have an administrator user try accessing: “https:///index.php?module=Administration&action=index” (replace “” with the application URL). If the blank pages began occurring after any changes made in Studio, Module Builder or Module Loader, try undoing the changes or running a Quick Repair and Rebuild on all modules from the Repair menu.


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