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Datawrapper: Mails not delivered

Bug Fix, Gnu/Linux, OpenSource, QuickFix, Technical | 0 comments

I use my own instance of DataWrapper (An open source data visualization platform helping everyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes. to quickly build some data visualizations.

For some strange reason, my login’s stopped working and I didn’t see the forgot password working for any of the users. I didn’t find a quick work around and I kept trying many trial and error methods.

Some how I jumped into a conclusions that I should install plugins of datawrapper again as this issue was never found to have been discussed elsewhere.

This is what I did inside the datawrapper installation directory. It went ahead and installed a plugin called email-native.

#php scripts/plugin.php install “*”
Re-installed plugin core-vis-options.
Re-installed plugin d3-bubble-chart.
Installed plugin email-native.
Re-installed plugin export-image.
Re-installed plugin export-static-png.

Strange as it should have been installed while I had installed datawrapper first time as I don’t remember facing any issue verifying my accounts earlier.

Now, I was able to reset the passwords for my account and login to regain access on all charts I have built so far.

Next Steps: Need to figure out if there has been any automated updates as we have few cron’s running with datawrapper and keep track of plugin errors and installation issues.

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