Feb 15, 2008 | General, Management
Learning is a continuous process. Survival is the biggest question in this fastest growing world. You will be competitive in this world only if you have domain knowledge. i.e., You got to know more about almost anything which exists or doesn’t exist on this...
Feb 14, 2008 | Events, General, linux, Management, Technical, Virtualization
I was able to peep into this event on 11th and 12th here in IISc Bangalore. I was wondering what Microsoft has got to say about its OpenSource initiatives. Also it Sundip Menon from Novel made it clear why Novell really joined its hands with Microsoft in CTOSummit....
Jan 14, 2008 | Management
Who can teach you better than David Allen about GTD? Find him talking about Work life balancing and learn Self Management Sharing few videos which I thought you might miss in your busy Internet life.
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