Nov 17, 2008 | Management, QuickFix, Technical
Resolution from cPanel: We provided an auto fixer that more reliably resolves this issue. It does so by checking each XDNS entry in each user file, in /var/cpanel/users, against the entries in /var/cpanel/deleteddomains.yaml. If there is not a corresponding match in...
Nov 17, 2008 | Blogs, Current Affairs, General, Management
Richard Murphy, a windows user and a blogger talks about Microsoft and Bill gates philanthropy on his blog as follows. RTE in Ireland has reported: Accounts for Microsoft Ireland Research, an Irish subsidiary of the global software giant, show that the company paid...
Nov 5, 2008 | Books, General, History, Management
Dr. W.Edwards Deming best known for his post World War 11 work in Japan. Quality Guru, American Statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant. While I prepare for my management studies, I came across this great personality and I started learning how he...
Sep 28, 2008 | Events, Future, General, Management
While reading new article posted on my favorite community site Sampada, this article introduced me to Google’s new project Project 10100. Project 10100 is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. Share your ideas...
Sep 24, 2008 | linux, Management, Plesk, Product Info, QuickFix, Technical
When there is help available free of cost, do take it. Yes, Cpanel is assisting you with Plesk to Cpanel migration. Their “Web hosting Manager” tool is not yet ready for Plesk 7.x and 8.x migration and they are giving an helping hand to resolve this. Check...
Sep 24, 2008 | Current Affairs, Events, Free Software, General, linux, Management, Security, Technical
The world is urging all to stop software patents today. There have been lots of talks, events, blog posts etc on Internet already creating awareness about the disaster patents can bring in to the world and advocating Free Software. I shall log some of the reports...
Jul 12, 2008 | Events, Management
Studying “Economics for Managers”… Have got two papers to clear tomorrow.The topics covered under this subject reminds me about my highschool social studies classes. We used to study Social Science in first period on most of the days as my class...
Jun 26, 2008 | Events, General, Management
In a corner of my mind there is some fear about exams from couple of days. Have to prepare my self for my MBA exams which will start from July 6th. I never feared about exams, used to take it cool and crack them all though it used to be tough to meet the deadlines set...
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