Jun 25, 2011 | General, Gnu/Linux, Technical
The FOSS India Internet Relay Chat Network (irc.foss-india.org) is a communications network for friends,well wishers and community members of the Free Culture and Free/Open Source Movement in India. Come join us and have a wonderful and intellectually rewarding chat...
Jun 11, 2011 | Events, Society, Technical, technology, Wikipedia
Did you ever dream of landing in an alien land or being treated as one in your own land? I had little such thoughts way back in time and that had made me start writing about my learning’s about technology, life etc in Kannada. Today I got a chance to share my...
May 13, 2011 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Technical, technology
Accessing SSH on networks powered through squid might be tricky if you’re new to tunneling etc. I was blocked by Squid from sshing to remote machines and making changes to squid config as well as iptables rules didn’t do any magic. Corkscrew helped me...
Apr 5, 2011 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Technical
You can quickly install ffmpeg on CentOS or RHEL server via dag repository. To proceed insert following lines to /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=https://apt.sw.be/redhat/el$releasever/en/$basearch/dag...
Apr 3, 2011 | Gnu/Linux, QuickFix, Technical
Zimbra logger fails to start due to a ValidatorException displayed below: zmcontrol start Unable to determine enabled services from ldap. Enabled services read from cache. Service list may be inaccurate. Starting logger…Failed. Starting logswatch…ERROR:...
Mar 25, 2011 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
Ever tried copying files to NTFS partitions on drive or onto portable drives while working on Linux? That might have made you feel sick to sit with a sluggish or totally hanged machine in hand. Reason: Its mainly because default …Read more »
Nov 21, 2010 | Books, Gnu/Linux, linux, Photography, Technical
“A catalyst for discussion, to build a home for the users of Libre Graphics software, standards and methods” is out… Download Libre Graphics Magazine from https://libregraphicsmag.com/ Manifesto gives clear picture about why its being published with...
Nov 10, 2010 | Gnu/Linux, linux, Photography, Product Info, QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
Be simple and no more hard steps uploading photos to flickr. I found this tool very handy from burtonini.com. Add caption, set, send to groups, set privacy settings for each photo that you upload. Ofcourse write a description and title in any language using input...
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