Feb 24, 2009 | linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
If you want some of the 3rd party, non-free softwares like Adobe Acroread, Real Player, Google Earth and Skype etc, you can always grab them on to your Ubuntu desktop by adding Medibuntu (Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu) repositories into...
Feb 10, 2009 | linux, Technical
I had little trouble with NetworkManager on Ubuntu 8.10. Even after applying the fixes mentioned on launchpad and forums etc, I was unable to get it work. But last week I successfully managed to get it working on Jaunty (Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 3) upgraded from its...
Jan 22, 2009 | linux, QuickFix, Technical, Ubuntu
After upgrading my Ubuntu laptop to Jaunty (Ubuntu 9.04′s code name) Alpha2 release , I was not able to listen to music for couple of days and I was very much tensed. Today thought of recompiling the kernel as Volume Manager didn’t give me much options to...
Sep 14, 2008 | Events, Future, linux, Product Info, Technical
While we wait for the release of “Intrepid Ibex” next month, Mark Shuttleworth unrevealed the name of next up-coming Ubuntu release 9.04. “The Jackalope is known for being so fast that it’s extremely hard to catch, and breeds only when...
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