If you’re a web hosting service provider, system administrator, website owner you got to think about a tool which lets you manage your server and websites easily. Cpanel is one of my favorite control panel for web hosting automation. Cpanel gives a lot of help to system administrator and save a considerable amount of time. Its ease of use and the fresh web2.0 design lets website owners manage their websites easily. On top of all this, Cpanel constantly improves and updates its product features. If you don’t have Cpanel on your servers think of using it, you will find the reasons below. Following gives an update on recent changes happening in Cpanel features.
cPanel 11.23 introduces a number of exciting changes to our industry leading control panel product. While there are many changes on the backend to cPanel and WHM with the 11.23 release, we’ll focus on four main areas: Memory Usage Reduction, Mail Flexibility and Efficiency, Backups and Transfers, and User Specific Changes.
Memory Usage
We aimed at reducing the memory footprint of cPanel with the 11.23 release. Two major changes in this area are VPS Optimized and Tailwatch. These changes were discussed earlier on the cPanel blog. Both of these changes are part of an overall focus in reducing memory overhead of the cPanel product, a focus that
extends beyond just our customers using VPS setups. The end result is a more responsive product that also uses less memory (up to 60% less standing memory usage on a VPS).
Mail Flexibility and Efficiency
accounts with dedicated IP addresses. We have also introduced a SPF preference in the Exim Configuration editor to enable SPF checking at SMTP time. Running SPF checks at SMTP time, rather than during SpamAssassin greatly speeds up the mail delivery process on your server.
Backups and Transfers
cPanel account backup and transfer utilities have been greatly improved in cPanel 11.23. In 11.23 when transferring accounts, the utilities use WHM instead of rsync in order to improve speed and deal better with large file sizes. Also, more information about the accounts being transferred is available, such as disk space those accounts are currently using. Also the option to express transfer accounts from other cPanel servers has been added in order to speed up transfers.
User Specific Changes
In order to meet the needs of users on corporate proxies who cannot access cPanel, Webmail and WHM on the regular ports, a proxy system has been introduced to cPanel 11.23 which allows access to each service through a subdomain. For example, a user can now access cPanel at https://cpanel.example.com instead of https://example.com:2083/.
Additionally, a mechanism has been built into cPanel to notify users of SSL certificates which will expire soon. As it is highly important to ensure your SSL certificates are functioning properly, users will be alerted 30 days before their certificate is due to expire so they have ample time to renew their certificate.
Along with these changes, many products such as PHPMyAdmin which are shipped with cPanel have been upgraded to newer and far more responsive versions in order to improve the domain owner experience.
While the above features provide a great benefit to server administrators and end users, they are only a few of the changes that are brought about by cPanel 11.23. Other changes such as DNS record type support have been documented in the cPanel change log at https://changelog.cpanel.net
If you wish to stay on cPanel 11.18, you should change your update preferences to use STABLE builds only.