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WordPress Coltrane Available now

Events, linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Technical, Wordpress | 0 comments

WordPress new version 2.7 code named Coltrane after famous jazz Saxophonist, John Coltrane.

Check out its coolest features, improvements, new interface etc. They are awesome. WordPress now contains most of the awaited features included in its core.

I just got it upgraded using WordPress automatic upgrade plug-in and the upgrade went on fine.

Only issue I found so far is with some plug-ins.

The error is something like this

First argument should be an array

I was able to resolve this by one of the old tricks which I used to use. ie. Add @ to the variable to which you’re storing array element (This you can figure out by reading the error completely)

Enjoy the new WordPress features. I will have TechFiz techno blogs updated soon so that you can enjoy the same while blogging.

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