Tech Sampada team distributed a Debian based Gnu/Linux distribution at Gnu/Linux Habba v3 event @ NMAMIT, Nitte near Mangalore on 7th February, 2009. Team has got a long term goals to make this distribution stable Kannada release which enables Kannadiga’s to use their native language (Kannada) during computing, without much hinderence.
At the moment distributed distro contains Live + Installer options on it. Live cd option can be used to test and then install the distribution on computers using installer options. More than 20 people tested, installed and used distribution during Habba. We also helped many students to install Gnu/Linux on VirtualBox as they were found to be bit frantic.
Special Note: Team managed to deploy 26GB Debian repo on a server @ NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte to provide Gnu/Linux resources to students. Special thanks to our Debian guru Ravi (CrazyGene) for all his contribution.
Watch out more news on further releases and download infor on