Reaching out to others! Free & Open Source Software, Kannada, L10n, L18n Data Science, Cloud Computing & more…

New books on shelf

New books on shelf

New set of books! Now time to start reading again… Tags: art of war, David Logan, Life of PI, Steve Zeffron, Sun Tzu, Three laws of performance, Yann Martel
Arivina Alegalu

Arivina Alegalu

Many of you have been working with FOSS tools, softwares & technology. Here is an yet another opportunity for you to share your experience with people here in Karnataka.  FOSS Friends in Karnataka are here to share your experience with the world in...

Libre Graphics Magazine is out!

“A catalyst for discussion, to build a home for the users of Libre Graphics software, standards and methods” is out… Download Libre Graphics Magazine from Manifesto gives clear picture about why its being published with...
Citibank reward points and Books

Citibank reward points and Books

I received these two books today from Citibank as I had redeemed my Suvidha account reward points. Nine  on Nine by Nandita C. puri -> Costs 150 Rs. The Inscrutable Americans by Anurag Mathur -> Costs 95 Rs. This price is as per MRP found on the books. Can you...