Apr 23, 2009 | Bug Fix, Firefox, linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Security, Technical
Firefox released an update to stable version ie. 3.09 with lots of security and stability fixes. Firefox 3.0.9 fixes several issues found in Firefox 3.0.8: Fixed several security issues. Fixed several stability issues. Many users experienced an issue where a...
Mar 11, 2009 | Books, linux, Product Info, Security, Technical
Scott Radvan, Content Author, Red Hat APAC sent an email updating Fedora Linux fans about the availability of very-nearly-finished Security Guide. It has its focus on Fedora and it will be available in the upcoming Fedora 11 release. He also invites reviews/comments...
Dec 16, 2008 | Current Affairs, linux, Product Info, Security, Technical
Internet Explorer is vulnerable. Be careful, Microsoft alarms its users not to use its own browser. Users of the world’s most common web browser have been advised to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed. Yes, If you’re really...
Nov 29, 2008 | Current Affairs, Events, General, History, Security
NSG team of India successfully completes its “Operation Cyclone”. The brave Indian soilders have gunned down those who have got into various locations of Mumbai for almost 50+ hours. We have lost few breave hearts and the nation if mourning for the loss....
Oct 3, 2008 | linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Security, Technical
Life is tangled when you’re not aware whats really going on in your network. Installing a proprietary hardware appliances like SonicWall has been a trend for corporates. But, FOSS tools are giving away the solutions for “Free” (Free as in FREEDOM) ....
Sep 24, 2008 | Current Affairs, Events, Free Software, General, linux, Management, Security, Technical
The world is urging all to stop software patents today. There have been lots of talks, events, blog posts etc on Internet already creating awareness about the disaster patents can bring in to the world and advocating Free Software. I shall log some of the reports...
Sep 18, 2008 | Security, Technical
TheWiFiHack guy Manju, alerted me about this website in the evening. Still I find this website to be down along with many other which are hosting on the same server. Looks like some one is free this night. Also I could see lots of vulnerabilities reported with Drupal...
Sep 17, 2008 | Current Affairs, General, linux, QuickFix, Security, Technical
Recent Delhi serial blasts revealed that terrorists are smart enough to use the loop holes found in your WiFi. Do guard your WiFi routers and HotSpot’s today. Government wakes up in this regard and thinking hard to make it compulsory to secure the Wifi...
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