Jun 3, 2011 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Virtualization
Following error is noticed when you are running apf in the OpenVZ VM. iptables: Unknown error 4294967295 Main reason for this error iptables support missing in OpenVZ. Here are the quick steps to resolve this issue permanently: 1. Define which iptables modules are...
Dec 12, 2010 | General, Security
Article published in Prajavani on 12th December 2010 Tags: ಇ-ಮೈಲ್ ಸೆಕ್ಯೂರಿಟಿ, ಭಯೋತ್ಪಾದಕರು,...
Feb 25, 2010 | linux, Security, Technical
————————————————————————————— This account is currently locked out because a brute force...
Oct 24, 2009 | Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Webhosting
Here is an update on BIND for cPanel server admin’s Recent versions of Bind distributed by RedHat and?CentOS enable strict zone checking at startup time. This setting can potentially cause problems for Bind users with a large number of zone files or syntax...
Aug 12, 2009 | Bug Fix, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Wordpress
There have been couple of security updates to WordPress recently and here comes an another one…. WordPress 2.8.4: Security Release Posted August 12, 2009 by Matt. Filed under Releases, Security. Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL...
Jun 9, 2009 | Events, Gnu/Linux, linux, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Virtualization, Webhosting, XEN
A brilliant software engineer, Founder of LxLabs.com, creator of HyperVM – optimized virtualization technology which runs on both Xen and OpenVZ, “Host In a Box” solution LxAdmin/Kloxo for Web hosting companies, server owners, resellers – K.T...
Jun 7, 2009 | General, Gnu/Linux, linux, Product Info, QuickFix, Security, Technical, Virtualization, Webhosting
HyperVM/Kloxo users are here by alerted to patch their installations by running the update script by LxLabs team. Multiple security vulnerabilities were discovered in hyperVM and Lxadmin/Kloxo. It is recommended that you update your hyperVM/Kloxo systems to the latest...
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