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Back to school

Events, General, Management | 0 comments

In a corner of my mind there is some fear about exams from couple of days. Have to prepare my self for my MBA exams which will start from July 6th.

I never feared about exams, used to take it cool and crack them all though it used to be tough to meet the deadlines set for studying. Last few weeks have been quite busy. Hectic work hours and catching up with my regular time sheet has been quite hard.

Haven’t started preparing for exams yet. Today I opened my book. Got to revise few chapter which I had read a month ago and then continue with the rest.

Getting back to exam schedules, reading text books etc are fun but with work it sounds too hard. I have got some interest in learning the MBA subjects. To have a domain knowledge in “Management” its always good to get started with some management studies.

Looking for some guide to quickly learn “Financial Management”. I have to go through my own balance sheet, profit and loss account etc to master myself in this.

Wish me luck for my exams.

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