Dec 31, 2009 | General, Habits, India, Product Info
Pala introduces me to Puttur’s product Bindu Jeera Masala Soda (Carbonated water with Jeera and other spices). Its now available at places here in Bengalooru. If you’re trying to find a healthy alternative for Coke and Pepsi, here it is..
Aug 17, 2009 | Events, Future, General, India, Nature, Product Info, Science, Technical
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is out with its first Indian Earth Observation Visualization tool at – . So far we all used to depend on google maps and google earth applications to get maps and 3D visualization. Reports say...
Jun 1, 2009 | India, Society, Travel, Wallpaper
Image on the way to Shivagange, Adhima, Kolar
May 16, 2009 | Current Affairs, Events, India, Society
Few more hours, we all here in India will know what will be the result of votes that we casted few days back. Did we really choose the “right candidates” to take us forward in this 21st century? The worlds biggest democracy is awaiting the results. From...
Apr 16, 2009 | Events, General, India, Society
I received my voters card(Updated) and I’m voting. What about you? Internet is being used effectively to spread awareness about elections. There are lots of blogs, tweeter posts, candidate websites, party websites and more. You can now get lots of data online...
Mar 27, 2009 | Events, Festival, General, India, Society
[wp_youtube]ljBfTJS3LTs[/wp_youtube] **Yugaadi** (Yuga – aadi : Beging of the new Era), start of a new year for the people of Deccan region of India. We share Bevu – Bella (Neem and Jaggery) on this festive day. Significance of bevu and bella is to remind...
Mar 23, 2009 | Current Affairs, Events, General, India, Product Info, Technical
Tata Motors released worlds cheapest car just few minutes back. Tata Nano, this name has already crated a huge buzz among Indian consumers. Now, its media’s turn to take it further across the globe. Ratanlal Tata launched the project six months behind the...
Mar 23, 2009 | Events, History, India, Society
On this very day of 23rd of March, 1931 three brave freedom fighters of India Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged by British in Lahore Camp Jail. We all salute their courage and sacrifices to our country. Recalling the hero’s at MG Road, Bangalore I...
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