Dec 1, 2008 | Blogs, Events, Movies, Science, Technical
Here is an update on the planetary conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. Hopefully we could have a glimpse of this event easily for few more days. I missed my chance today as I could not keep track of this astronomical event and I could also see clouds in the sky blocking...
Sep 27, 2008 | Events, History, Movies
Not able to sleep… Have been awake all the night to watch couple of movies which were paused some time back. First one, Antitrust is a story based on free and open source philosophy and quotes the line “Human knowledge belongs to the world“. I would...
Sep 25, 2008 | Current Affairs, Events, General, linux, Movies, Technical
Are you tired of constantly being prompted to download proprietary software and plugins to play the videos and listen to the music you want? Are you fed up with seeing new gadgets that only use incompatible and restrictive audio and video formats? Did you know that...
Sep 15, 2008 | Movies, Science, Technical
Is it possible to give out information about a scientific experiment via Music? Check out this youtube video. There are lots of videos like this today on Youtube talking about technical factors.
Aug 21, 2008 | Future, General, Health, Movies, Technical
A DailyMail post reports that Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe suffers from dyspraxia. It was revealed by the star him self. It means he can’t tie his shoelaces. He is just 19 years old and he also added in his interview that he became an actor as he was...
Jun 4, 2008 | General, linux, Movies, OpenSource, Technical
Blender Foundation has released its 2nd Open movie “Big Buck Bunny“. Its a short animated film created by “The Peach Project” which follows the “Orange” project’s world’s first open movie “Elephent’s...
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